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Spaceguard A Science Fiction Space Opera Novella

Spaceguard A Science Fiction Space Opera Novella

One of the great science fiction novellas available in the Blood And Wrath Kickstarter until the 25th April 2024 is Spaceguard. So in this short blog post, I just wanted to explain where the inspiration for this book came from and some information surrounding it. Also, it’s worth noting that I normally never ever talk about this sort of thing.

Therefore, because I’m 22 years old at the time of writing and I commute to university, I currently live at home with my parents. Even though, that is changing in July 2024. So it was the summer of 2023 that me and my Dad started watching Saving Lives At Sea so this is a BBC programme that follows the UK RNLI (lifeboat service) and my muse found this programme fascinating.

After a while my muse wanted, needed me to write about how this might work in space. The service would be called Spaceguard but besides from that I wasn’t too sure what I would write about. So I sat down and started writing, and I soon discovered an entire scary world focusing on what happens when something goes wrong in space.

Also, I was pleasantly shocked by the findings of this book because it contains a lot of great information that will certainly setup future books.

So I had an absolute blast writing Spaceguard so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

Available in the Blood And Wrath Kickstarter until the 25th April 2024.


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