As I start to share all these science fiction, fantasy, mystery and romance book recommendations in blog post form, I have to admit it’s great to revisit some old book recommendations about some of my favourite books. These book recommendations are important to read because before writers become writers, they are readers. Therefore, please enjoy these fantasy and science fiction book recommendations from November 2022.
Dead Hand By Dean Wesley Smith
Whilst my time at university is still chaotic, this week I just needed to read a novel and a longer book, so this week I am definitely recommending "Dead Hand" by Dean Wesley Smith. Because I haven't read a Cold Poker Gang mystery for a while despite me having at least five hardbacks on my growing to-be-read pile. However, I am so glad that I picked up this one out of my pile because this mystery is simply brilliant, and as Dean is a master of writing, this book has plot twists, action and plot directions that you won't see coming. And that only helps to make the book even more of a sensational mystery. Also, you really have got to read for the wonderful characters too, from the two romantic interests in alternating viewpoints that helps to make the book thick, rich and a wonderful read to all the side characters that make the book even more enjoyable. If you're looking for a great mystery read this week, then definitely check out "Dead Hand". It's a great book that will hook you from first to last word and you will not be disappointed. Available from all major booksellers.
Bookshop Witch By T. Thorn Coyle
Something I like about doing these weekly book recommendations is that it helps me to realise I need to read more widely. Hence why I’ve spent the last week reading a great book that I’m recommending called “Bookshop Witch” by T. Thorn Coyle.
Now normally am not a fan of cozy mysteries in the slightest and the same sort of goes for paranormal mysteries too. They just aren’t to my reader tastes. However, Thorn is a wonderful writer and they seriously pull this off so a reader like can really enjoy this great book. It’s filled with a really good team of characters that you fall in love with. Like Sarah the Witch, the boyfriend and even two teens pop up and help to make the book even better. The mystery itself is also really good filled with twists and turns and plenty of magical charm, and from what I hear about the Portland area of the US I could actually believe a town like this is very real. So if you’re looking for a great paranormal mystery to enjoy this week, I cannot recommend “Bookshop Witch” enough. It’s fun, filled with great characters, creatures and plot that you’re going to have a great time for sure. Available at all major booksellers.
Dry Creek Crossing By Dean Wesley Smith
Thankfully, this week I've read a lot of great books and short stories, but there was only one that I feel strong enough to recommend. I still have 20 pages left but I absolutely cannot recommend "Dry Creek Crossing" by Dean Wesley Smith enough. This is probably the second Thunder Mountain book I've read and this is just as good as the first book in the series, if not better. It has a fascinating plot that only gets more and more interesting (with plot twist after plot twist) as you go through the book, the characters are wonderful with their romance going on and it is very, very bingeable. h And personally, I always try to read about six chapters a night and normally I can really stick to that, but during the second half of the book, you really can't. It is very much the case of you thinking "I don't need sleep, I need answers and the next chapter is only a few pages". You really do know when a book is good because you have to force yourself to stop reading and actually go to sleep. So if you're looking for a brilliant science fiction, historical, time travel book this week, then you absolutely have to check out "Dry Creek Crossing". Available at all major booksellers.
The Holiday Spectacular Year 3 by Kristine Kathryn Rusch.
Wow. My reading really has been all over the shop in the past week with me reading different short stories for different classes and projects, and none of them I feel strongly enough to recommend just Yet. Then on top of how extremely busy today was, I just knew that there was only one thing I could possibly recommend. And I sort of feel this is repentance for not reading the current Holiday Spectacular stories including a Kari Kilgore story that I got the day of my brother's wedding that still haven't read. Whilst I haven't quite started on this year's amazing group of stories, I have to recommend last year's because there are so many great, wonderful and enthralling romance, fantasy and mystery short stories for you to fall in love with. Each story has a great holiday twist and are written by over 30 professional authors so you know you're in a great treat. I might have read this last year but I still remember a good amount of these stories so you know they're so good they're going to leave a lasting impression on you. And I mean when you when so many amazing authors in one place writing so many unputdownable stories, there really is no reason not to check out this great holiday collection. Especially, when there are stories by the likes of Dean Wesley Smith, Kari Kilgore, T. Thorn Coyle, Lisa Silverthorne Dayle A. Dermatis, Ron Collins Books and many more top writers. So if you're looking for a wonderful, gripping, sensational holiday story to settle down with this holiday season, then seriously look no further than this spectacular collection.
I hope you enjoyed these book recommendations and if you want to see some of my own fantasy, science fiction, mystery and romance books. Then please click the hyperlink on the genre you want to explore. You won’t regret exploring these great books.