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June 2022 Book Recommendations

science fiction fantasy mystery book recommendations from June 2022

As I start to share all these science fiction, fantasy, mystery and romance book recommendations in blog post form, I have to admit it’s interesting seeing much more detailed these recommendations have become in 2023. Yet these book recommendations are important to read because before writers become writers, they are readers. Therefore, please enjoy these fantasy and science fiction book recommendations from June 2022.

Bump In The Night by Kevin J Anderson

It really does highlight how great all the Dan Shamble PI books are. I've read a few of the short stories in the series and I have a few of the novels on my To Read Pile, but I cannot recommend this great series enough. It features monsters, great crimes and great characters that you will fall in love with, and they are funny too. So if you want some humourous monster PI stories, then look no further than Kevin J Anderson!

Playing A Hunch By Dean Wesley Smith

I'm actually rather surprised I haven't recommended this wonderful short story collection from Dean Wesley Smith before. If you're at all familiar with Dean's work then you might have come across Poker Boy. He has to be one of my favourite characters (after Mary Jo) because he's funny, exciting and knows exactly what questions to ask. Granted the world is normally a lot more peaceful and quieter before the question is asked, but that's what I love about Poker Boy. And thankfully Playing A Hunch is an entire short story collection about Poker Boy that I seriously cannot recommend enough. If you enjoy wonderful, gripping fantasy stories. You must check this out on all major booksellers!

Kill Game By Dean Wesley Smith

As I was on holiday last week to Crete, Greece you didn't have a book rec, so this week I'll give you two since I read a lot during the holiday. So my first recommendation is Kill Game by Dean Wesley Smith and it's the very first book in this brilliant Cold Poker Gang mystery series. Personally, I really enjoyed it because it was intriguing to see the characters grow, develop and bond over the course of the mystery, and it's honestly fascinating to see them learn more about the murder victim from the cold case. So if you enjoy wonderfully written, twisted mysteries with retired detectives solving cold cases. Then there really isn't a better book for you! (Available from all major booksellers and libraries!)

Against Time By Dean Wesley Smith

For this week's next recommendation, I want to jump over to another of Dean Wesley Smith other series: his science fiction Seeders book "Against Time". Now as a reader who has read two of the later books in the series before this first one. I wasn't sure what it was going to be like, but I was extremely glad that I read it. Because it was surprised that it was basically a sci-fi romance, but it was so good and wonderful that I didn't want it to be anything else. And in case you're thinking this book would be boring. It seriously isn't and you will hooked from one word to the end. I think I read this book is about a day on holiday, so it is a must read for science fiction fans. (Available from all major booksellers and libraries!)

I hope you enjoyed these book recommendations and if you want to see some of my own fantasy, science fiction, mystery and romance books. Then please click the hyperlink on the genre you want to explore. You won’t regret exploring these great books.

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