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August 2022 Book Recommendations


science fiction mystery fantasy book recommendations August 2022

As I start to share all these science fiction, fantasy, mystery and romance book recommendations in blog post form, I have to admit it’s interesting seeing much more detailed these recommendations have become in 2023. Yet these book recommendations are important to read because before writers become writers, they are readers. Therefore, please enjoy these fantasy and science fiction book recommendations from July 2022.

Blind By Kristine Kathryn Rusch

For this week's book recommendation I had two great choices from the same amazing author but this was the one book that I absolutely had to recommend as soon as possible. It's "Blind" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. I loved reading this great short story (or novelette if you use that terminology) because like all of Kris's work once you start reading it, you grabs you so hard and drags you into the story that you can't leave. It's that good, filled with mystery, tension and really great characters. Then maybe my favourite part of the story was simply that you weren't a 100% of what was going on until the very end. That's great writing and that's why I recommend Kris' books to everyone I can. And it does have a great powerful ending that really does complete the character and story perfectly. So if you want an addictive read that will guarantee a great few hours of escape from everyday. Then I cannot recommend this wonderful short story enough. It has everything a great story needs. Blind is available where you buy good books from.

Dragon's Tooth by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The book for this week's book recommendation I read about two weeks ago but I really, really wanted to share it with you all, This is a great contemporary fantasy book set in Paris (so you know it's going to be good) following a great character as she tries to solve a brilliant magical mystery of sorts. Personally, I really enjoyed it because of great character because she's smart, good at her job and she's a brilliant person to follow along, as well as it was good to see about her past and what she used to do for a living. Yet what really made the book for me was the ending. It was craftly so well and it was so unsuspected that it was so good. And I might even just recommend reading the book for the ending alone. It was that good. So if you want an engaging, spellbinding fantasy read this week, definitely check out: Dragon's Tooth by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Sweet Young Things By Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Really sorry everyone for the later book recommendation today, it's still an extremely busy day in the author life. Anyway, I read this great #mystery #shortstory last week called "Sweet Young Things" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and published by WMG Publishing, Inc. (Yes I am currently having a little binge on this great author but I already have book by a different author lined up for next week). Anyway, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from this short story because I had heard the author talk about it, and the series already sounded great. So when I found out this was a mystery/crime/ revenge story then I was more than interested. And it was fascinating to see what had happened to the characters, how they had recovered and most importantly what they were doing now in the story. Personally, I'll definitely be adding the rest of the series to my To-Be-Read pile (Once I've tamed it a little) and I have a feeling I'll be binging the entire series in one go. Therefore, if you want a great mystery series with wonderful characters, plots and amazing endings about revenge, innocence and crime. You NEED to pick up this great short story. Available anywhere you buy books from.

Unexpected Histories By The Uncollected Anthology

I have never bought an anthology by The Uncollected Anthology before but when so many of my favourite writers are included in it, I just had to buy it, read it and recommend it. Personally, the real selling point for me was the theme because as a writer I have recently been interested in the more historical side of fiction and historical fantasy can be a great genre that I haven't read before. And I knew that with these great writers and their wonderful stories this would be the perfect introduction to the genre. From Kristine Kathryn Rusch's Faerie Justice short story set in France during world war two and a great mission that happened in real life, to Dean Wesley Smith's poker boy short story that is just brilliant to all the other gripping and enthralling stories from the likes of Kari Kilgore, Debbie Mumford, Leah Cutter and many more there will certainly be a story for you to enjoy in this great volume! Definitely pick up this wonderful anthology wherever you buy your books from, discover enthralling stories and new authors sure to become your new favourites.

Boyfriend Material By Alexis Hall

When it comes to planning these book reviews of things I've read, this does require some serious planning so when the book that I originally planned to recommend this week turned out to have such an awful, awful ending that I hated beyond words. I quickly needed to think of a replacement book because the book that turned out to have the rubbish ending was so long, it took up a lot of my reading time for the week. Therefore, it caused me to flick through reads I've read in the past and never recommended on here before, so I found Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall that I read last year. Now long time readers of my recommendations and just me in general know I do sort of rarely read romance because it isn't a main genre for me and it can be difficult for me to get into a romance book probably, and be honest I am so picky about the romances I read because lots of publishers stick their book in the romance category when it's actually an INSERT-GENRE-with-romantic-elements and the ending is wrong for a romance. Romance readers know what I mean here. Therefore, last year I decided to read my first full-length romance book and this was actually the most perfect romance a reader could enjoy, because it's funny, moving and emotional. it's everything that a romance should be, and Alexis Hall can be a brilliant writer with his humour and this book is a great example of his writing at its best. So if you want a great gay romcom that will move you, make you laugh until you wee yourself (thankfully that never happened to me) and will leave you feeling wonderful afterwards. Then you really have to check out this great book.

I hope you enjoyed these book recommendations and if you want to see some of my own fantasy, science fiction, mystery and romance books. Then please click the hyperlink on the genre you want to explore. You won’t regret exploring these great books.

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